Fake is real now. People can't tell the difference now. We live in A.I. now. Home of the deep fake. It will only get worse.

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Yes, Fake has a life of its own and the extermination of our species will continue because nobody knows which side is up anymore and confusion is the quickest path to least resistance, as everyone founders around and don't know which side is up and who or what to trust.

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Our species will not be exterminated. That is again fear porn. People will die excessively but exterminating us totally is pipe dream unless we go total nuke and kill the soil for hundreds of years where nothing can be planted. The human will be here. The question in what capacity which is the greater question.

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Agreed, but the vaccinated could be up for the chop and there is little any can do to stop that and what concerns me most is nobody has owned up to any of it or the long term intention, whicgh seems to be population reduction in line with the Great Reset, which previously was down to 500 million or 250 million depending on whom you read.

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They are expanding to the food. The water. The shots are just one vector. That Great reset balderdash is just fear porn as far as I am concerned That is terrify people to freeze people. They have moved on from the shots. This is a trillion dollar opportunity that will be over many vectors. The game has already shifted. The vaxxed up are the past tense. It is what is next for the people who said no. This is a war based on levels. We have to stay on the levels.

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Well, in some countries including Australia, so i've read, "they" are still vaccinating for Covid and Flu combined - the Covid was JN-1 which was harmless and the Flu, well the injected one, what more can i say.

Bill Gates is not impressed with how many kids missed out on their Covid shots and wants more vaccinated and one of my readers has received a letter from her kids school, that all kids have to be fully Covid vaccinated, in America, before they can begin their next term - which I have tried to help her with.

You are behind the times my friend, Covid vaccines are still prevalent in America, just not into you. I bet if you applied for a job in any industry in America, you would have to have all of your Covid vaccines before they would even consider you for any employment.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as the old saying goes - see how many employers don't require a full vaccine, as proof.

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I am not behind because I the know vaccines are here. I said it is a trillion dollar business which means it isn't going anywhere. America is made up of 50 states. They each have there own thing that is what I meant. Depending of who and where they live it can change. I never said they are not relevant. I am saying that there are other things to deal with also.

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Just in time for them to steal the 2024 US presidential election.

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