This is 5th dimensional warfare which is being done on the people. When they attacked the children that tells you that this is the beginning of the end. Children are symbolic of innocence for me. For you to attack innocence tells me we have gone to another destination. I feel the masses do not understand that. They are still in virus mode. THis is 5th dimensional warfare. All we are witnessing is a weapons test and it will continue. As long as people still believe in the mainstream healthcare system which I call death care then all of what we say is for naught.

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Agreed. My thinking with the Covid vaccine was that by injecting the kids, those in charge did not have to look after them ,after their parents had been exterminated, by their vaccine shots, so win/win. of course my assumption is "pie in the sky" until events occur to agree or disagree with my assumption. The colour of the kids in the pix was black, which suggested to me Africa or aomewhere like that, but with Bill Gates, who knows. What surprises me about that man is nobody has tried to kill him, like they tried with Trump.

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Trump is just President. The president in America has never been the bosses of all bosses. Since 1913 it has been that way especially. It is all just pomp and circumstance. You just saw what was done to Biden! They knew he was incapacitated but they didn't care! But when it came out official and then they saw themselves losing the White House the folks behind the throne moved fast. You saw former President get shot and now you see the sitting President go through a coup. In my mind a coup just took place. There is a way to remove a President like Biden it is the 25th Amendment but that would take to long. I know what I am saying would go over peoples head but it is just what happened as far as I am concerned. Two Presidents attacked........

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Agreed. You wil lexcuse me for saying so, but America and American's are so insular. The rest of the world does not gravitate around America, but WHO it seems to me and what happens by, with or from WHO, is the same as what occurs in America, actioned by the President at the time there, in lock step with WHO. The back room "boys" are the Shadow Men that Richard C has alerted me to, he was right all along then and it would be interesting to see who pulls whom's strings if Trump gets re-elected or for that matter RFK Bobby. Personally I think RFK would put the Shadow Men in their places, but I'm not so sure about Trump, personally, I think not.

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The shadow folks are more afraid of Trump then RFK in my assessment. The Democrats messed up so they have Trump again probably. Coming out of WW2 America was the Big dawg and we are on a big continent by ourselves. Mexico below has no juice! canada who cares. The King is still boss. The King is still boss over here but on the back end. The royals are still collecting dividends 200 plus years later. Just like Australia. But America was the maverick colony. Certain elements need to put america in check. Trump scares these people but they have just scared him

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But I rhought it was party politics. SDemocrats and Republicans. Like Black and White if you like. Their politics are so different you can't put one against the other and call both the same. From Biden's time, I don't like Democrats at all, from Trump's time before Biden, I don't like Republican's at all either. Biden just hopped onto Trump's seat and carried on where Trump left off, with devastating vaccines injections results, it seems to me.

I don't see Trump doing anything else than carrying on where Biden left off.

With RFK there is a hope for change.

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For me they are running a very high end game. The corporations do not care. The lobbyist in Washington do not care about the people. What they did to Biden just proved they do not care about the people! America is run by private corporations who use the politicians to do there dirty work. Folks believe the government is in charge. At the bigger level no. Private corporations run america. Bill Gates is a private corporation. Zuckerberg of the Digerati is in collusion with the government but make no mistake they have there lobbyists that we do see. Civics has been taken out of the school system. !913 the president was usurped. The government was usurped. The people were usurped. In 1871 the people were usurped but 1913 it was official.

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RemovedJul 23
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Exactly. But were the vaccines the brain child of Bill Gates. He funds the CDC and thus he knows what the CDC are going to do before they do it. 9 weeks before the CDC approved the Pfizer vaccines ahead of Moderna's vaccines - Pfizer paid the CDC US$3.5 million - Bill bought US$50 million Pfizer shares, I read that the then UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak did too - and Bill sold his shares last year for US$450 million, making a cool US$400 million, which was peanuts against the US$7.5 Billion that Biden gave Bill about the same time as he bought that huge farming block of land, probably a pat on the back for himself - nothing surprises me with Bill, except nobody has killed him yet.

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