RemovedJul 28
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Because previously, before tablets were released for public consumption, they were tested and made fail safe over a 10 year period, but now they are created and dispensed without any trial period and it is the people into who they are put or injected, who become the lab rats to see if they work or not.

I was prescribed Ozempic by my Quack and over a period of time I slowly lost my sight until it got so bad I could not safely drive my car and I was referred to an eyesight specialist - fortunately, I theorized it was Ozempic and stopped taking it for Diabetes Type 2 and my eyesight slowly returned, until, after 2 years later, I got the all clear from the eye specialist and I won't be going back - although their door is always open to me now.

Then Ozempic is now regarded as doing what happened to me and as I recorded and posted updates here on my substack - like Duh!!

Biden gave 5.1 Billion to the vaccines induastry to come up with vaccines to cure all diseases and not wanting to be left behind the other countries joined in too and forced these vaccines into the many, in the assumption that vaccines would deliver health advantages, presumably and quick health cures and make America the leader in this new medical technology - all bum fluff and shit - they did not work and the reverse was the result, wholesale murder instead, presumably.

When we cannot rely on medicine prescribed by our murderous doctors who are now representatives of Big Pharma and paid big bonuses to inject or prescribe their pills into all of us, who can we trust, but ourselves and the old ways of doing things which worked, before this quick short cut to improved health issues, which never worked and still does not - if that's what the vaccines were about - that and taking away the rights of everyone, pretty much, to say no.

In my opinion

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RemovedJul 29
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True - and the Chinese can put other things in the pills which cause the side effects which are being seen now. In the Vietnam war, the Chinese fielded a lot of body power to support the North Vietnam war, in the theory that each bullet fired was one bullet less to be fired and twice as difficult to replace and that went up to every person or vehicle or other essential equipment which was lost and needed to be replaced, so it was a war of attrition which America, with its superior firepower, eventually lost, just the same as in Afghanistan. The Russians could not control Afghanistan, how on earth did the American's think they could do any better - same problem, so let's transpose that over the the chemicals used to make the pills and potions which derive from China, same problem - what better way to weaken and kill your enemy, than by attrition, however they go about it?

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RemovedJul 30
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There you go - I knew you were a smart cookie.

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RemovedJul 28
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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

I believe you are wrong. They drive on the wrong side of the road to here - I don't know how I'd drive my cars sitting in the passenger seat side.

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RemovedJul 28
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Well, everyone hasa doctor and a pharmacy nearby. It is how often we make use of the services provided which tells our belief systems - I see my Quack once a year and I get prescribed medication which I can't fault on line, which appears to be doing what it is supposed to do to keep me healthy and by Diabetes where I want it to be, blood tests, down low and on tablets only.

I sacked my Diabetes Doctor when he tried to force me to get a vaccine, some years ago, so now I don't see anyone for it.

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