I'm 65y.o. Have been 100% plant-based vegan since 2007. I have NEVER felt better. I do not get sick anymore. Yes, I take some supplements, but I also needed to take some supplements when I wasn't vegan. I NEVER touch meat substitutes. I always read ingredient lists because even vegan can be shit! I avoid foods that are processed, white, artificial, and/or contain unhealthy fats. As for fats, I use them very sparingly. I hydrate hydrate hydrate every day. During warm months; I am able to grow some of my own food. This winter; I shall attempt to grow some food under lights. I am NOT moved by these scare-tactic reports. I am living my best physical life since adopting veganism. And with great physical health comes the ability to so much easier tap into spiritual life. So far, everyone I've met who tells me they weren't healthy as a vegan and gave it up were living a mostly junk-food, artificial meat food, improperly hydrated life. People think that just because they live their former lifestyle but in vegan, that they're doing something wonderful. Then they're shocked, hurt, angry because they were "lied to". DUH!

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Thanks for your feedback - I'm at least 13 years older than you. Had all of my remaining teeth out before Covid and don't have any I can chew with now. A plate of vegetables through a liquidizer translates to a mug of liquid and does not last as long as leaf vegetable in your stomach, which is quite disappointing too and I can't eat anything hard, so like a baby, all of my food has to be soft, before I can eat it.

Otherwise, I am as vegan as I wish to be, the only meat we eat now is ocean caught fish and we have adapted to that rather well and it serves its purpose and keeps us off animal red and white meat and in fact the thought of eating those again, is rather sickening.

Do you eat nuts - tried those for a bit, but they went straight through and gave them up after a while, after grinding them down into nearly dust!!

I drink lots of water, always have, although sometimes I also use sugar free cordial to enhance the taste, which is otherwise quite horrid, it takes time to accept its taste.

I put my body and skin's health down to my diet and I feel healthy and happy and well, long may my good health continue - I don't exercise at all - work related dicky knee - took 25 years to stop aching, RSI both arms was only 8.5 years to come right, work and the jobs I did the main reason for that, it does not take much walking to get my knee aching again - I am about 10 lbs under my target weight and that suits me fine.

How about more about you and what you have achieved with your vegan diet please


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Hi Christine. I too have dental issues..... periodontal disease which started LONG before I became vegan. No doubt started as a child as we were never encouraged to pay attention to our dental hygiene. I can say though, that x-rays show that my pockets did become smaller after 2yrs of being vegan. They appear to have stopped there and have not shrunken any further. I have all of my teeth still and will simply transition to dentures when/if they to fall out. You couldn't pay me to install those barbaric posts into my body! I did, unfortunately, have a root canal done before I was aware of how toxic and unhealthy it is to do this. I have since made a point of using a water irrigator to shoot hydrogen peroxide into all pockets in my gums. I also nebulize with hydrogen peroxide/saline solution per Dr. Thomas Levy protocol.

I do eat nuts. I occasionally make my own almond milk. Occasionally make my own almond or cashew cheese, cashew cream (sour & sweet). I'm especially fond of Brazil nuts and eat them daily. Pine nuts in the summer months to make pesto with my abundance of basils. I also love seeds too.

I have a reverse osmosis water filtering system. I occasionally drink Fever Tree brand quinone water. They're the only brand that is still using actual quinone. I make/buy greens juice. I did a 5-day water fast for the first time last month. I will make this a yearly occurrence. I also like doing a 2-week green juice detox yearly.

I started back to exercising one month ago.......... rebounder, wall pilates, weights and this week I have returned to 90min Bikram Yoga. I feel so so much better since returning to these. A client also shared a video - Dr. Eric Goodman, 12min Foundational Training. WOW! Game changer! I started doing his 12min program daily about a week before I went back to exercising. I believe.......... I KNOW......... that it was this protocol that allowed me to return to the other exercises.

I started out with the vegetarian lifestyle which took me from a sickly, 195#, dull-brained, depressed woman to a slim, much healthier life back in 1983 (24y.o.) . 2007 (48y.o.), on a whim, a explored veganism. It was astounding for me to discover that I was not as healthy as I thought I was while vegetarian. As a vegan; I lost more fat, lost wrinkles, gained so much more energy, sharper mind and my chakras exploded to where for the first time in my life I could feel an energetic connection with the earth mother & I could consider exploring spirituality (up until then I thought that spirituality meant religion, which I will Not participate in).

Over time my life has found contentment. I have had some shit-filled experiences still, but they don't consume me nor cripple me. I know there is a High Power and She watches over me and leads me where I need to be.

Christine, thank you so much for all of the information you so diligently share. I truly am grateful for you.


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Hi Maria - Thanks for replying so fully, food for thought for the rest of us - I am a lazy cook and to be honest ,the less time cooking, the more I like it and a couch potato, just to prove that exercise can be a take it or leave it thing, provided your diet is great - which mine has to be, because of Type 2 Diabetes which I got in early 2002, me being Obese then, but not now.

A few years back there was an exercise drive and the althletic amongst us could be seen running everywhere and dropping dead, which they were not supposed to do - turned out they were generally running on foot paths alongside roads with vehicles on them and it was the exhaust fumes which did for them, same as now, presumably - again.

Interestingly my Diabetes seems to be leaving my body all by itself, which after 23 odd years of having it, is a practical impossibility, BUT 3G was broadcast from 2001 and 4G sometime after that and both have, or are being turned off now - so is that weird or what, which begs the question, I wonder what the Covid vaccines and 5G and later on 6G will have in common, don't you think?

My parents when they were alive said that Diabetes was never an issue in their lives, which got me thinking - they did not have transmitted 3G and 4G either, back then - like duh!!

The name of the game is to outlive the buggers and not subscribe to their vaccines and live long and be happy, all criteria which I am achieving on a daily basis - provided my body does not let me down, 100 is still a hoped for option, me retired since late 1997 - just to put the boot in, where I can, "the system" itself, which tries to control me.

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I definitely do not subscribe to the couch potato idea. I firmly believe exercise is a vital part of health and prior to modern conveniences, everyone exercised just doing daily chores.

Yes, I remember reading about those who were running along roadways and developing horrible health issues. Poor food choices, 3, 4G, fumes, air pollution, and on and on.........

5 & 6G now............ essential for sheeple control & population mitigation.

Even the philosophy of Tantra states that we are composed of 4 pillars of energy......... sexual, physical, mental/emotional spiritual........ and they must all be in balance. You cannot focus on any one more than the others and expect to be a balanced human being. I am working on balance..........

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