All lies. Ukraine is being crushed. Zelensky is the worm.

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Agreed, but Zelensky is the worm and he has turned by attacking Russia and that was the point I was making and while Zelensky uses drones against Russia and they inflict some damage, the message goes out that Putin is vulnerable and indirectly, it takes some of Putin's "power" away from him.

Russia has a different sort of democracy to the West, In Russia it is all about the strongest man being the guy in power and each attack on Russia, is an attack on Putin and weakens Putin, in the eyes of his enemies, who want to replace him, but don't have the numbers to do that yet.

I bet you Putin wishes he had never got into this war with the Ukraine and he wishes it would all go away, but it won't and he is stuck with that too.

Thank goodness for Drones, the new way of fighting wars.

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Could there be infighting among the cabal????

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