WHY DO I bother? It’s a question this keyboard warrior sometimes asks himself after another hard day’s night at a hot computer, seeking to cajole folk to join me in fighting the good fight.
So, what do we do? We continue to fight, regardless of whether we think we will win.
As Churchill said, never, never, never give in
Michael Godfrey
October 13, 2024
WHY DO I bother? It’s a question this keyboard warrior sometimes asks himself after another hard day’s night at a hot computer, seeking to cajole folk to join me in fighting the good fight.
A fight for what, exactly? Do most people really want to discover the truth behind the corporate/political propaganda pumped out by the mass media on major issues such as climate change, covid, mass migration, the Great Reset and the so-called transgender revolution?
Sometimes, after yet another session of digging up and dishing out salient facts on important issues and generating little or no response, I am tempted to think they don’t – and ask myself whether it’s time to stop beating my head against a brick wall of indifference.
Today is one of those days. I am feeling shattered, physically and mentally, after a bout of insomnia triggered by a combination of the physical ailments of old age and a growing suspicion that my online activism is largely a waste of time and energy. But old habits die hard.
I force myself out of bed at midday, stumble downstairs (I need the banisters to make the descent these days) and struggle through the same old routine.
Feed the cat and empty his tray.
Tidy the living room and start my PC.
Knock back half a dozen vitamin supplements with a swig or two of foul-tasting, plastic-contaminated bottled water to appease my rapidly deteriorating kidneys – Stage 3 CKDaP when I last had them checked. (Thinks: what wouldn’t I give for a few mouthfuls of the cool, sweet reviving elixir that used to gush icy cold from a faucet in the park where we kids used to play?).
Make a coffee – the instant variety – larded with a couple of spoonfuls of non-fat creamer created with Heaven knows what, and sweetened with organic, dried Stevia instead of sugar.
Switch on the overhead fan and living-room air filter (pollution levels where I live in Thailand are unhealthily high), shuffle over to the PC and start wading through the 100 or so emails I generally find waiting each morning.
Items of interest are painstakingly filed in literally hundreds of folders created for ‘easy’ (ha! ha!) access. Then it’s time to don my ‘Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells’ hat and commence my daily bombardment of blogs, newspapers and social media platforms with my insights into hot topics.
This has mopped up four or five hours of my day for more than a decade since I retired from Fleet Street and decided I needed a ‘hobby’ – which somehow soon morphed into a consuming passion. Unfortunately, as I was to discover the hard way, changing made-up minds is, if anything, even more difficult than it was in my journalistic heyday.
All too often, the response to my humble efforts to spread a little enlightenment is disappointedly patchy, and sometimes openly hostile. Decades of establishment brainwashing and the globally co-ordinated war on so-called ‘disinformation, misinformation and malinformation’ has left billions clinging to official narratives like shipwrecked sailors to driftwood.
And heaven help anyone daring to offer them a lifeline of inconvenient truths. At best, you risk being ‘cancelled’ by either the political or corporate guardians of our woke culture. At worst, as Starmer’s Stasi flex their muscles, speaking a few home truths to power on social media can get you arrested and jailed.
Why do I bother? The nagging thought popped into my head this morning as I squinted at a computer screen that has become more foe than friend. Halfheartedly, I navigated one of my favourite ‘alternative’ websites, Offguardian – and suddenly stumbled on the answer to my question, buried in an article by an astute popular blogger whose work I follow.
This is the passage which gave me my eureka moment: ‘. . . if this world’s unreal reality is indeed too massive to comprehend, it stands to reason it is also too big to do anything about. So, what do we do? We continue to fight, regardless of whether we think we will win. We continue to throw sand into the machinery. We continue to expose the lies and subterfuge. We continue to write and read articles, to create a free press, to communicate through social media and the internet (as long as it lasts, then we go through other means of communication), and we continue to speak out, and never comply. To quote one of those world leaders who was not what he appeared to be himself, Winston Churchill, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy”.’
Trust Winnie, flawed genius that he was, to come up with the galvanising goods. How, one wonders, would Britain have survived the might of the Third Reich if he hadn’t bothered?
Yet, can you believe, some denizens of this woke wilderness of a world are clamouring to have our hero’s brooding statue removed from Parliament Square, on the dubious grounds that he was a racist. In this old codger’s view, they aren’t fit to lick the great man’s bronze boots.
Me: Not me, but same question and same response - you too?
Sometimes I have to step away from all this and just read a cheap, trashy romance novel. Then another day to fight on. I can honestly say I have never been so belittled in my whole life. There are a handful of people like you that I treasure to keep me grounded.