Why did 2 billion humans absolutely avoid the Covid-19 mRNA jabs, did they somehow know the pandemic was a planned event, including pushing the deadly “vaccines”?
If I had these vaccines I would be dead now - it is that simple.
Why did 2 billion humans absolutely avoid the Covid-19 mRNA jabs, did they somehow know the pandemic was a planned event, including pushing the deadly “vaccines”?
Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, and if you look at the science, the Covid-19 mRNA “clot shots” are just that, as they are proving to clog and clot the vascular system, causing horrific strain on the heart, swelling of the heart muscle, and in many instances, heart attacks and strokes for the injected “victims.” Trillions of spike protein prions (nanoparticles) can join and cause horrific health tragedies for those injected. Are the fully unvaccinated masses “conspiracy theorists” because they suspected this from the outset of the plandemic, or are these natural health advocates actual pro-science, where the evidence reveals dirty vaccines? Could it be that the whole "gain of function" virus and the dirty nanoparticle vaccines were ALL planned at the Wuhan lab and funded by Fauci and NIH? This requires careful consideration.
Natural News
Me: Speaking for myself, I watched the Covid pandemic evolve and to begin with I thought I would end up having the Pfizer one, but I also thought I would wait and see and as time passed, I got more and more convinced that the vaccines did not work and that there was an ulterior motive for them, which was NOT about Covid, but as it turned out - deliberately injecting nanotechnology - and - I had my free salt water cure which kept me safe - and yes - I caught some of the varieties - but my free salt water cure killed them off quick - so why switch to something new, because the Government said I must, when my way worked fine for me, but I was not allowed to publish it, except here on my substack. To be honest, the whole Covid thing stank like rotten fish, that is why I refused a vaccine injection and still do.
What concerns me most is that these vaccines ARE NOT "mRNA DNA" which is natural to nature and cannot be patented, that is a lie, yet all of these vaccines are patented.
They are ModRNA DNA, created in a laboratory, synthetic, never existed ever before and thus patented because of that and according to US Supreme Court Law 2013 are not natural to nature, but an alien substance, which never existed in nature before, which changed the Human Genome and DNA in 6 hours, according to a Swedish Study, to a new species which never existed prior to 2020, "Tran Humans", with zero Rights at all, by 2013 US Law - but ideal candidates for the bio labs springing up like mushrooms everywhere as this new "gene therapy nanotechnology" evolves, as laboratory animals have Rights, but this new "Trans Humans species" does not and they all have their own MAC address which connects to a computer online.
If vaccinated, find yours with Bluetooth, or Apple: BT Explorer. Android: Inpersona
If I had these vaccines I would be dead now - it is that simple.
Pleased you did - me too - you can't put an old head on young shoulders. Netherlands - flat as a pancacke there - do you still have Windmills?
Hi,I watched what they were planning in the beginning of 2020, for me the whole idea of vaxinating sounded like ‘Josef Mengele 2.0’ just had to refuse !
Grtz From the Netherlands