This is just speculation on my part, but I have had Type 2 Diabetes since early 2002 and for the past few weeks, my Diabetes has got slowly better
So how could that apply to the vaccinated and 5G after 01.01.25?
This is just speculation on my part, but I have had Type 2 Diabetes since early 2002 and for the past few weeks, my Diabetes has got slowly better, that is to say, my Diabetes is slowly removing itself from my body in its entirety, which is a practical impossibility, unless something has changed, to make that possible.
In 2001 3G and later on 4G was introduced, used of course, to power smart phones and other sophisticated instrumention, but 3G and 4G is being turned off now, but the bandwidth, or strength of the 3G and 4G signals, has been reduced, to give people time to switch their equipment over to 5G - the final turn off date for 3G and 4G is 31.12.2024 - so that from 01.01.2025, 5G only will be transmitted.
This is in keeping with my Diabetes and how it is behaving, so that by 01.01.2025, my Diabetes should have cleared up entirely and I should be Diabetes free, for the first time in 23 years and not needing any further Diabetes medication.
Note that the above 3G and 4G signal strength, can be increased, or decreased, in its transmission, because this is important, for what I want to suggest next.
We know that the Moderna and Pfizer and the other vaccine makers vaccines, don't work at stopping, or transmitting the virus, from one person to another and in fact, The Lancet published back in 2020, that Pfizer's vaccine was less than 1% effective against Covid (0.84%), with the rest not much better, so obviously, these Gene Therapy Injections, were never for Covid.
Obviously and since this was a Military Operation care of AUKUS and Trump's Operation Warp Speed, there was a back story which has not been revealed and personally, I think that story rotates around the injected Covid vaccines and 5G and its ultimate purpose after 01.01.25, when 5G is the only dominant bandwidth, which can have its signal strength increased, or decreased, to order.
I presuppose that the vaccinated have a Gene Marker in their vaccines and those with the correct Marker won't be affected by the new 5G transmission, while those without that Marker will be and it is theoretically possible to change the Gene Marker accordingly, so that, by age, certain populations die quicker than others, younger people for example, being one of those.
We know that Musk is putting 27,000 satellites into space which revolve around our world, transmitting 5G to every inch of our planet, so that nowhere is shielded from it and that it passes through all constructions with ease - what better way to deflect people's thinking away from that reality, than by invoking the possibility of war with Russia or China, in much the same way that the multitude have since been nudged or forced to have "their" Gene Therapy Injections, whose final purpose, has still not been ascertained, or that it has been a Military Operation care of AUKUS, from the outset?
Thus, if after 01.01.25 a large Covid outbreak occurs, which kills off a large proportion of the world population, without any explanation of how or why that is happening, then we know that they are being exterminated by the 5G signal transmission which, with the wrong Gene Marker, means that those scheduled to die will do so, in keeping with the projected expectations of Net Zero and the numbers of killed vaccinated people necessary, to make that a simple reality.
Obviously, if like me, you have not been vaccinated, then we can't be killed off, because we don't have any Genetic Marker, or Genetic modifications necessary, to make that happen.
So from 2025, our world as we know it, might radically change and that's just a few months away and if my speculation is right, we will be able to see how the injected Genetic Markers work and who gets to live for some time and who gets to live for a bit and who gets to die immediately, as simple as ABC.
Won't we?
Your speculations will, like most conspiracy theories, be a fact in only months.
I love the way you think, it makes me feel normal.