Pfizer has "Immunity From Prosecution" but BionTech who designed the Covid-19 vaccines from Moderna's Covid-19 virus, made with DARPA's assistance and patented in 2013
and licensed them to Pfizer, does not - so why are BionTech, or for that matter DARPA, not being held accountable, for their Covid-19 patented virus and vaccines then?
Pfizer Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Have Indemnity for a Defective Product
While corporate media have reported that the European Court of Justice had ruled against the Commission’s decision to redact large parts of the contracts, including provisions on indemnifications, none of the reports we looked at mentioned the Court’s ruling regarding the liability of pharmaceutical companies; not The Telegraph, not Phile News, not Politico, not Euractiv and not Euro News.
We have been told many times over the years that covid vaccine manufacturers have limited liability for vaccine-related injuries or deaths. According to the European Court of Justice, in the European Union, this is not entirely true.
In September 2020, the European Commission introduced indemnification for vaccine makers in cases of “unexpected side effects.” However, the European Court of Justice’s ruling on Wednesday stated that the liability of pharmaceutical companies cannot be limited if harm is caused by a defective product.
As regards the agreements’ provisions on the indemnification of the pharmaceutical undertakings by the Member States for any damages that those undertakings would have to pay in the event of their vaccines being defective, the General Court states that a producer is liable for the damage caused by a defect in its product and its liability cannot be limited or excluded vis-à-vis the victim by a clause limiting, or providing an exemption from, liability under Directive 85/374.
The General Court notes, however, that there is no provision in Directive 85/374 that prohibits a third party from reimbursing the damages which a producer has paid as a result of its product being defective. [Emphasis added]
The Commission did not give the public sufficiently wide access to the purchase agreements for covid-19 vaccines, Court of Justice of the European Union, 17 July 2024
That means, if Pfizer’s product is defective and people are harmed by that product, then the victims can seek damages from Pfizer. For any damages that Pfizer pays out, Pfizer can seek reimbursements from a third party, for example, BioNTech.
The press release then goes on to state what has been reported in corporate media; that the Commission failed to prove how the indemnification clauses would undermine the commercial interests and so could not redact them.
The General Court finds that the Commission did not demonstrate that wider access to those clauses would actually undermine the commercial interests of those undertakings.
Similarly, the Commission did not provide sufficient explanations as to how access to the definitions of ‘wilful misconduct’ or ‘best reasonable efforts’, in some of the agreements … could actually and specifically undermine those commercial interests.
The Commission did not give the public sufficiently wide access to the purchase agreements for covid-19 vaccines, Court of Justice of the European Union, 17 July 2024
That corporate media has reported on the second part while seemingly not noticing the first is curious – or perhaps not.
Are Pfizer’s Covid Injections Defective?
The European Court of Justice referred to Directive 85/374 to rule that “a producer is liable for the damage caused by a defect in its product.”
The Directive defines “producer “ as “the manufacturer of a finished product, the producer of any raw material or the manufacturer of a component part and any person who, by putting his name, trade mark or other distinguishing feature on the product presents himself as its producer” as well as any person who imports a product for sale or any form of distribution in the European Community in the course of his business (Article 3).
The definition of damage includes “damage caused by death or by personal injuries” (Article 9).
The covid vaccines have caused death and personal injury. So, are they defective? The public has been told continuously and repeatedly for more than 3.5 years that the covid vaccines are “safe and effective,” albeit varying degrees of effectiveness as time progressed. Here’s what the Directive states about a defective product:
… to protect the physical well-being and property of the consumer, the defectiveness of the product should be determined by reference not to its fitness for use but to the lack of the safety which the public at large is entitled to expect; whereas the safety is assessed by excluding any misuse of the product not reasonable under the circumstances. [Emphasis added]
Council Directive 85/374/EEC of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products, EUR-Lex
The covid vaccines lack the safety that the public is entitled to expect. It would seem that according to the European Court of Justice’s ruling on Wednesday, Pfizer’s covid product is defective and Pfizer is liable for the deaths and injuries it has caused.
The Expose
Me: But if you are dead or injured from a Pfizer vaccine, how could you prove it was the vaccine and not something else and then hold Pfizer accountable and get a refund, if the unstated purpose of the vaccines was to kill?
All Pfizer has to do is wait for their vaccines to finish the job of killing injured you and then it is too late for you to get your payout.
Pfizer has "Immunity From Prosecution" but BionTech who designed the Covid-19 vaccines from Moderna's Covid-19 virus, made with DARPA's assistance and patented in 2013 and licensed them to Pfizer, does not - so why are BionTech, or for that matter DARPA, not being held accountable, for their Covid-19 virus and vaccines then?