In a nutshell, the vaccines are the cause of most of the vaccine deaths so far, world wide and that is, so far, about one billion people dead
in the 125 Countries which are under the control of American Politics and The World Health Organisation, by mid 2024.
In a nutshell, the vaccines are the cause of most of the vaccine deaths so far, world wide and that is, so far, about one billion people dead, in the 125 Countries which are under the control of American Politics and The World Health Organisation, by mid 2024.
Possibly, the bonuses paid to Doctors and Hospitals and the 10 cents per injection paid to each of your country's political leaders - as part of the deliberate vaccines murder program, was funded from the WHO yearly budget, funded in turn, by each of the 125 member countries, which make up The WHO and America, which became a WHO member again, under Biden.
Note: the UK, Russia, China and America voluntary contribute to WHO, meaning the Covid vaccines drive was deliberately, world wide.
These are the members of Who with the amounts paid previously:
WHO Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2023
United States: $367,655,492
Germany: $229,078,296
United Kingdom: $189,720,751
Canada: $65,074,315
Norway: $64,087,696
Netherlands: $44,063,570
France: $43,086,295
Australia: $38,211,462
India: $33,253,761
Switzerland: $28,563,510
Sweden: $26,625,178
Japan: $25,109,892
Republic of Korea: $20,764,189
United Arab Emirates: $19,754,045
Kuwait: $16,750,000
Luxembourg: $15,190,024
Spain: $13,076,696
Denmark: $12,005,093
Ireland: $11,110,417
Romania: $10,537,408
Malawi: $10,034,738
Russian Federation: $8,572,858
Somalia: $8,568,029
Burkino Faso: $8,379,458
Belgium: $7,745,665
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 7,313,882
Italy: $6,267,412
Nigeria: $5,912,301
Saudi Arabia: $5,787,337
Greece: $4,355,855
China: $3,969,523
There are many more member nation “contributors” listed in the document below.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: $356,338,766
GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance: 259 600 523
European Commission: $189,362,233
World Bank: $89,881,621
United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund: $73,563,870
Rockefeller Foundation: $69,184,689
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation: $43,033,183
United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office: $33,178,542
Unitaid: $16,904,979
Rotary International: $69,184,689
Sanofi Pasteur: $16,334,027
L’Institut de France: $15,930,224
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: $13,231,214
Bloomberg Family Foundation: $13,006,288
United Nations Children ’s Fund: $11,315,634
United Nations Office for Project Services: $11,288,845
Gates Philanthropy Partners: $11,200,005
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: $10,345,707
Asia–Europe Foundation $10,000,000
United Nations Development Programme: $7,741,830
Wellcome Trust: $7,318,826
Helmsley Charitable Trust: $7,282,333
WHO Foundation: $6,632,519
There are many more organizational “contributors” listed in the document below:
Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor, 2023
WHO 2023 Financial Information
I strongly encourage everyone to review the World Health Organization's official 2023 financial documents and share your analyses and opinions in the comment section of this article.
James Roguski May 10 2023
The vaccines change your Human Genome and DNA in 6 hours, so while you look the same on the outside, from the inside, biologically, you have been changed and you are no longer Human, but a new species, Trans Human, now with zero Human Rights by US Supreme Court Law 2013 - that anyone injected with mRNA (ModRNA) vaccines, made in a laboratory and patented, as all (ModRNA) mRNA vaccines are, is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost - that translates to roughly 85% of the vaccinated world's populations now.
A Scientific Review states that If a pandemic had not been declared and Disinformation Laws not put in place between early 2020 and mid 2023 to force many to be vaccinated by mandates, then nothing would have happened and life would have continued normally, as before.
The purpose of Moderna's Covid-19 virus made with the help of DARPA and patented 2013, was to scare many into being vaccinated, to murder as many as possible, so far, with more deaths scheduled to occur randomly, from the now Trans Human stocks, which have zero Rights of any kind, however in the 125 WHO Countries by 2024, that translates to about one billion people killed after vaccinations, so far with more to follow, with a probable final solution to achieve The Great Reset by 2025/26, but no later than by 2030.
Once changed, by Genetic manipulation, the vaccinated can't ever revert to being Human again.
No pills, potions or any other method, can revert the non Humans to Human again, so keep your money in your pocket, is my advice.
The vaccines are a bio weapon which is in two parts
1) The Moderna contains 40*10^12 LNPs, to the best of my knowledge (Pfizer 12*10^12). This equates to 40/12 trillion in short scale. AZ has 50*10^9, which would be 1 milliard in long scale. I believe these numbers to be correct ( ) Spike Proteins.
2) Carbon Oxide particles which can be changed to nanoscale razors by 5G transmissions.
“What they did is, they said, ‘We’re going to inject into the arms of billions of people the instructions to turn each individual into a bioweapons factory’ … Every single person that took the shot became the manufacturer of a synthetic spike protein (LNP's) associated with the coronavirus model.
Biological Weapons:
Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented: there are two distinctions that are absolutely unique to the covid pandemic.
A) We are actually creating the mechanism to instruct the body to manufacture a toxin …
B) The response is actually a ‘hopeful’ response that failed to consider two very critical things: the lipid nanoparticle in which the shot is delivered actually is also a toxin … and then the worst part about it is that we introduced a thing called pseudouridine.”
Pseudouridine was published in 2018 to be a pro-cancer agent. What this means is that “it shuts down the body’s response to how we recognise tumours and suppress tumours,” Dr. Martin explained. Pseudouridine has been included in mRNA injections to stabilise the mRNA so it stays in the human body longer to achieve its effect, he said = MS40?
2) Carbon Oxide particles which can be changed to nanoscale razors by 5G transmissions
Dr Noack: They show that it is not graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide. I would like to explain what this graphene hydroxide is. It is mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom. This is on a nanoscale.
I’ll cut this up a bit here. If it is 50nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH). In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalised (fully mobile). The piece is 50nm long but only 0.1 nm thick. These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make brake pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable.
These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades. These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable. The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.
It is basically an acid. It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these are razor blades spread homogenously in the liquid. This is basically Russian roulette. You can see it very clearly in this woman. It cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth. like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous.
In America, Trump started the vaccines program with his Operation Warp Speed, this was in conjunction with the Covid pandemic ordered by The World Health Organisation early 2020 with Disinformation Laws put in place to force vaccines compliance early 2020 to mid 2023.
Vaccines are still being injected into the arms of the willing who "volunteered" and don't know any better.
Vaccines introduce the virus and hence the disease into the body, which the vaccines are supposed to protect against, but don't, so for example, the yearly Flu which appears after Summer each year, comes from the vaccines, which are injected and not virally at all.
The body does not know what anti bodies are, so it can't make them.
The disease attacks the natural immunity of the body and sometimes defeats it, killing its host.
Generally, those killed first are genetically inferior, because of inherited diseases, or being Obese, or with Diabetes, or too old, the new old age range being 40 plus minus, according to Medscape.
The vaccines can be made to preselect the DNA by Ethnicity of each person - so as a weapon, any particular race can be identified for extermination, but let's say Muslim and just Muslim's die - whether this is by 5G command or some other method, is yet to be determined.
Find your new vaccines installed MAC address: Apple - BT Explorer. Android - Inpersona.
The old Apple iPhone 4 worked fine with these programs, however, for more modern iPhones, try your BlueTooth connection - your MAC address turns itself on and off, probably to make detection harder. Vaccinated = MAC Address installed.
This is a vaccines driven biological weapon, which can be used against any population, or enemy, which would be devastating, but only in those who have been vaccinated and could be used to keep populations down and under control, much more effectively, than say, current Policing methods.
Only those who refused vaccines remain Human with all of their Human Rights intact - do not volunteer for anything or any government program looking for more volunteers, which the now vaccinated were!!
Costco is making waves with its “apocalypse bucket,” a $80 emergency food kit that claims to last 25 years. This survival bucket includes 150 servings of freeze-dried and dehydrated meals like teriyaki rice, pasta Alfredo, and apple cinnamon cereal, all requiring just water to prepare. The kit offers a whopping 25,280 calories and promises to keep you comfortable and nourished even in the direst of situations. Social media users are buzzing about its long shelf life and variety, with some joking about the potential apocalypse and others questioning how they’d get water to cook the meals. Whether you’re prepping for doomsday or just love the idea of super-long-lasting food, this bucket has become a viral hit.
The Apocalypse Bucket: Costco’s 25-Year-Long Emergency Meal Kit 1
But available only in America.
I don't go there. Where I am, I don't shit in my own nest, I stay out of the politics of the thing and everyone around me appears to be vaccinated - some 97% so we are told and they seem fine with it, so, so am I, though not vaccinated. However, I do shit mightily in my American Substack nest which is quite enjoyable, I must say and I am brutally honeast, when it comes to the vaccines, which was what the whole thing was all about and not a random air borne virus, so far as I can see, although that probably came from the Spike Proteins when they were active in the bodies of the vaccinated, hence my free salt water cure, if a nasal infection - I don't buy there was no virus thinking, there was something which spread the illness from one to another, it's just how or what I don't understand, so simplify - virus.
Be selfish you deserve to be. I hope for the best outcome, but I'm prepared for the worst - what else can we pure bloods hope for, for those with dirty blood after vaccines?
Exactly. But the biggest horror is that this was deliberately planned and executed with the intention to vaccinate the masses by scaring them into getting the shots, presumably to later kill them.