If you subscribe to digital means to identify and track you, that can be used with your medical records to isolate you as not being vaccinated
Do not comply with any government initiative, refuse for as long as you can.
If you subscribe to digital means to identify and track you, that can be used with your medical records to isolate you as not being vaccinated and cause them to hunt you down and vaccinate you against your wishes and refusal might not be an option.
Do not comply with any government initiative, refuse for as long as you can.
After vaccination, short your body out on a 12 volt DC battery engined car motor. Touch the spark plug leads of a cold car engine and have someone turn the car engine over once on the key, the shock should do it, simple as that.
The shock should destroy the vaccine in your blood and the content, long before it reaches your blood brain barrier, which you do not want it to pass through.
Do not do if you have a pacemaker or a weak heart and hope for the best after that.
It i the only option left, when all other options have been removed.
Alternatively, short yourself out on the local electric cattle fence and do several times, just to be sure.
Touch the live strand with both hands, the electricty will cause you to quickly release the live strand, job done.
If already vaccinated, it could cause the carbon particles to become carbon nanorazors which chop up your insides and kill you after 4 days, so I don't recommend it as any sort of after vaccines, treatment.
Just Saying.
Refuse the vaccines for as long as you can, but if you are forced to have a vaccine, you are injected with the viruses, that your body may, or may not, recover from.
If you do nothing and go with the vaccines nothing might happen and you might return to full health, however you will have the carbon particles in you and your own MAC address, for reasons unknown.
If you short yourself out there is a risk that you might activate the carbon particles which become nanorazors and chop up the insides of your body, this side of the blood brain barrier and the internal bleeding will be unstoppable and you will die by bleeding out internally - or nothing will happen and you will be OK and you will have killed the viral infection, injected too and you won't get that.
You have to decide if you are prepared to take the risk of unstoppable internal bleeding, from the nanoscale razors potentially, or not - to be honest, I don't know what to do - apart from vaccines refusal, until they are forced and injected and I can't stop that from happening.
This is the tool to the prison camp of the future. In America once the election is over the race to the prison camp will increase. If harris wins the race is in hyperdrive. Rump things slowdown.