I am so pleased that I stayed with the information supplied by Dr Noack who was killed back in 2019 for suggesting the vaccines contained Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide and were a military weapon
the military did not want published and this information, below, confirms what I believed and stuck with, this from Kyle Young's post Jul 10, 2021:
I am so pleased that I stayed with the information supplied by Dr Noack who was killed back in 2019 for suggesting the vaccines contained Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide and were a military weapon, the military did not want published and this information, below, confirms what I believed and stuck with, this from Kyle Young's post Jul 10, 2021:
Recent information shows that all the covid vaxxes (Pfizer, Moderna, Janseen/J&J, Astra Zeneca) contain a man made nano particle called graphene oxide. According to imarc -
“The global graphene market exhibited strong growth during 2015-2020. Graphene can be defined as an allotrope of carbon element that has the thickness of only one atom and is arranged in a honeycomb-shaped lattice. It exhibits high thermal and electrical conductivity, along with high mechanical strength, permeability and electron mobility. Some of the most commonly available forms of graphene include graphene sheets, films, nanoribbons, nanoplatelets and graphene oxide. They are used with other gases and metals to form materials with superior properties, which are further used in the manufacturing of batteries, transistors, computer chips, supercapacitors, water filters, touch panels, coatings, composites and solar cells. Apart from this, it finds extensive applications across various industries, including medical, electronics, energy, defence and aerospace.”
In that earlier piece I also highlighted some of the other nano technologies used in making the Trojan Horse technology used in the covid jabs to deliver non-native genetic material into peoples bodies via the jab. This technology goes by several names; transgenics, genetic modification, genetically modified organism, gmo’s. In that piece I also mentioned that there seemed to be some sort of shedding occurring by those who had gotten the vaxx, causing unvaxxed people who came into contact with the recently vaxxed to become sick with a number of bizarre symptoms. The following evidence seems to point to graphene oxide (GO) as the causative agent.
First of all, we know that GO was a leading candidate as an ingredient in the covid vaxxes well before they went into production. We also know that GO was used in masks and the PCR test swabs. But it was a pair of Spanish researchers that began making waves with their findings that many vaccines - not just the covid varieties - contain graphene oxide (GO). Why is GO so problematic? Several reasons.
1) It causes thrombogenicity (thrombi), also known as blood clotting. Not much of a surprise there since we’ve all heard reports in the news about the numerous cases of folks dying or suffering from heart attacks, strokes and other severe health issues caused by the excessive blood clotting that’s occurred in so many after getting one of the covid jabs.
2) It takes advantage of lower levels of glutathione to wreck havoc on our immune systems and causes inflammation of the organs, including cytokine storms in the lungs. Across the board, we see that those who are most susceptible are those with chronic conditions, often due to lowered glutathione levels: diabetics and the obese, those with heart disease and the elderly. Like many nutrients that we need to stay healthy, our bodies ability to make glutathione decreases as we age. Hence the higher susceptibility in the elderly.
the link
By now some of you may be thinking… this all sounds familiar. Kudos if you had that thought! It should sound familiar because the same set of parameters that exist for illness caused by GO are also the same set of parameters that exist for COVID-19.
Although the evidence is clear that the covid jabs contain GO, the covid jabs are likely not the first jabs to employ GO. During the flu season of 2018/2019 nearly 50% of people 6 months and older got a flu shot, the highest level since the 2009/2010 swine flu debacle. Although I’ve been unable to find direct evidence of the use of GO in those flu shots, for years there has been plenty of scientific literature published that describes how to use GO in flu vaccines. Here are just 4 sources. The first one is most damming.
The evidence is piling up that the cause of covid, the delta and all other variants are not due to a viral pandemic, but rather to a pandemic of mindless, money grubbing vaccination programs… like the current one.
I’ve pointed this out previously, but it bears repeating. In R. B. Pearsons 1943 book Pasture: Plagerist, Imposter - The Germ Theory Exploded, Pearsons talks about how research shows that when vaccines are injected into various test subjects, be they animal or human, alterations or mutations occur. The better informed among you will know this is now a field of research, referred to as gain-of-function research. Here’s a quote about what Pearsons says about this topic.
“Now that this has been proven so overwhelmingly, we can see how a vaccine for any one disease could start some other disease through these mutated forms. We shall then need more serums (vaccines) for the new diseases, and so on, ad infinitum.” (Parenthesis mine)
Pearsons goes on to blame the 1918 flu pandemic on the tuberculosis vaccine. It’s becoming clear that the role that vaccines play in wrecking havoc with our innate immune system cannot be denied.
Because the vaxx makers are not required by law to list all of the ingredients and ratios in their jabs, we may never have full picture of what they contain. It boggles my mind that there are so many who are blindly willing to have someone inject an unknown substance into their bodies.
Well he was right