Fremantle Australia now has 5 fully armed and ready to fire US Nuclear Submarines on a rotational basis, for repairs and refurbishment and re-crewing.
So Fremantle, Australia and Pine Gap, are the most heavily Nuclear Deterrent, defended places, by AUKUS Authority, on this planet now
Fremantle Australia now has 5 fully armed and ready to fire US Nuclear Submarines on a rotational basis for repairs and refurbishment, as well as a fleet of another 8 Australian Nuclear Submarines, eventually, on hand, to defend Australia from any Nuclear attack - but not only Australia, but Pine Gap too - so Fremantle and Pine Gap are the most heavily Nuclear Deterrent defended places by AUKUS Authority, on this planet now - interesting Pine Gap back story follows this article, don't you think?
On July 9, 2024, President Biden officially delegated a number of Presidential authorities to members of his Cabinet in regards to AUKUS.
The President shall determine the appropriate public or private shipyard in the United States, Australia, or the United Kingdom to perform any repair or refurbishment of a United States submarine involved in submarine security activities between the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
Not later than 30 days before the first transfer or export of a defense service under paragraph (1), and annually thereafter, the President shall certify to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives that the controls described in subparagraph (A) will protect the information described in such subparagraph for the defense services so transferred or exported. (page 384)
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 270 days prior to the transfer of a vessel authorized under subsection (a), the President shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees and leadership a certification that—
(A) the transfer of such vessels—
(i) will not degrade the United States undersea capabilities;
(ii) is consistent with United States foreign policy and national security interests; and
(iii) is in furtherance of the AUKUS partnership;
(B) the United States is making sufficient submarine production and maintenance investments to meet the combination of United States military requirements and the requirements under subparagraph (A);
(C) the Government of Australia has provided the appropriate funds and support for the additional capacity required to meet the requirements identified in this section; and
(D) the Government Australia has the capability to host and fully operate the vessels authorized to be transferred. (page 381)
(A) INITIAL NOTIFICATION.—Not later than 30 days before the date of the delivery of the first vessel authorized to be transferred under subsection
(a), the President shall notify the appropriate congressional committees and leadership of the following:
(i) The Government of Australia has achieved Submarine Rotational Forces-West full operational capability to support 4 rotationally deployed Virginia class submarines and one Astute class submarine, including having demonstrated the domestic capacity to fully perform all the associated activities necessary for the safe hosting and operation of nuclear-powered submarines.
(ii) The Government of Australia has achieved sovereign-ready initial operational capability to support a Royal Australian Navy Virginia class submarine, including having demonstrated the domestic capacity to fully perform all the associated—
(I) activities necessary for the safe hosting and operation of nuclear-powered submarines;
(II) crewing;
(III) operations;
(IV) regulatory and emergency procedures, including those specific to nuclear power plants; and
(V) detailed planning for enduring Virginia class submarine ownership, including each significant event leading up to and including nuclear defueling. (page 382)
Report to Congress on Virginia-class Submarine Program, AUKUS:
Nearly 40% of US attack submarines in or awaiting repair as shipyards face worker shortages, supply chain issues
What is AUKUS?
In September 2021, the Australian, UK, and U.S governments announced a significant new security partnership, called AUKUS.
Pillar 1 of AUKUS is a project to
(1) rotationally deploy four U.S. SSNs and one UK SSN out of a port in Western Australia;
(2) more significantly, sell three to five Virginia-class SSNs to Australia and subsequently build three to five replacement SSNs for the U.S. Navy; and
(3) have the United States and UK provide assistance to Australia for an Australian effort to build additional three to five SSNs of a new UK-Australian SSN design to complete a planned eight boat Australian SSN force. (page 372-374) (page 381) (page 384)
Pine Gap – A Hub Of Top Secret Alien Technology?
By Marcus Lowth Published Date February 17, 2018 Last Updated September 23, 2021
A joint-venture with the US military, Pine Gap is arguably the most secretive location in Australia. Furthermore, it is synonymous with UFO activity and has been for decades. The base officially came into existence in 1970, but some researchers believe witness statements suggest it was operational since the end of the Second World War.
Although there are huge domes (radomes) on the surface, the vast majority of the working base is underground. Sitting pretty much in the middle of Australia, south of the MacDonnell Ranges and to the west of Alice Springs, it is a perfect place to get a signal in and keep other signals out.
In truth, the desert lands of mid and south-western Australia have always had its fair share of strange phenomena and bizarre sightings. However, upon Pine Gap’s construction, this activity would increase dramatically. For their part, the Australian government did their best to avoid any talk of the facility. That was until December 1989 when a strange sighting received, albeit limited, coverage in the mainstream news.
Before we look at that account, check out the video below. It is a segment from a 1977 documentary and features details of Pine Gap.
1 The Pine Gap Hunting Trip Sighting
2 A Hive Of UFO Activity
3 “Something Big Is About To Happen!”
4 Solid Pillars Of Light
5 Multiple Projects
The Pine Gap Hunting Trip Sighting
While returning from an all-night hunting trip, [1] at around 4:30 am in the early hours of 22nd December 1989, three men would be witness to a surreal encounter. While roaming through land near to the Pine Gap facility, sudden activity in the grounds of the base would catch their attention.
A camouflaged door suddenly opened before them, revealing lights and movement behind it. From inside this hidden enclosure, a metallic, grey disc emerged. No sound accompanied its movements, and aside from their own breathing, all around them was silent. Suddenly, but still with little sound, the disc shot off at an amazing pace, certainly beyond anything any of the witnesses had ever seen. The door then calmly shut, hiding its presence once more in the process.
The report would arrive with UFO researcher, John Lear, via a university professor. In it, he mentions that “all of the witnesses are reliable though understandably rather reluctant to discuss what they saw!”
He would also state that “this state has more UFOs coming and going than anywhere else in Australia!”
Given the claims from some researchers that “contact” has already happened, might Pine Gap be one of the alleged alien-human bases around the planet? Or might the disc-shaped craft that emerged from the hidden door be the result of military back-engineered technology.
Investigations into the area would soon reveal plenty of similar sightings on record.
A Hive Of UFO Activity
For example, in 1980 while searching for a missing child, two Northern Territory police officers would report a “camouflaged door” suddenly opening. Objects they would later describe as “bathtub-shaped” left from this doorway and calmly made their way over the base. To their amazement, a “black hole” opened in a hillside, and each of the objects vanished into it.
Five years previously, in 1975, a small private passenger plane was flying near the base. As most on board were already aware of Pine Gap, most would witness the “large white object” zoom into the air and vanish out of sight in a flash. Shortly after landing and making a report, officials would visit the pilot and the crew. They were told not to talk about what they saw.
One of the strangest incidents occurred in 1973. A cartographer, working for the Australian government, was parked near to the Pine Gap base. It was late – just after midnight. Out of nowhere, a strange but intense “vertical shaft of blue light” came from the confines of the base.
Giving in to his curiosity he drove his vehicle closer. He was shocked to see a disc-shaped craft hovering around a thousand feet in the air over the base. He raised his binoculars to his eyes. As he did, another blast of cold, blue light, emerged. It was coming from the center of the craft and heading down to the domes of the base. After several moments it went off. Then, a similar laser-like light extended from somewhere on the ground to the disc above. This went on for over thirty minutes before the disc began to spin rapidly. It then shot off into the night sky at great speed.
“Something Big Is About To Happen!”
Perhaps one of the most intriguing sightings occurred at some time during 1984. [2] What is particularly interesting about this account is that it features five members of the Australian government (possibly defense), essentially spying on their American colleagues. The venture was of their own deciding, however, and so as not to reveal themselves to their own superiors as well as their guests, the identities of the witnesses are unknown to the public.
There was also a certain amount of mystery as to the witnesses even being at the base in the first place. The leader of this group had recently received numerous reports of UFO activity in the area in and around Pine Gap. One particular message, however, would state that between certain dates (thought to be a five or six-day window – the details and the dates remain unknown) “something big was going to happen!”
Fascinated with what this could mean, the five people would split into two groups. Packed with specially designed telescopes with full night vision capabilities, they would set off in two vehicles. Each would approach Pine Gap from a different direction. One would close in from the west and the Gibson Desert, while the other would approach from the north and the MacDonnell Ranges.
They would even travel only at night once they were within a predetermined radius of the base. When they arrived at their agreed positions, they would wait and begin their unofficial stakeout.
Solid Pillars Of Light
Each unit would stay in position for three whole days without witnessing any activity at all, much less anything strange. On the fourth evening, however, things changed and increased activity around the base began. Large military vehicles were moving around the base and groups of workers were gathered at specific points, usually near the large radomes.
Suddenly, from the middle of the base grounds, an intense gold pillar of light shot upwards. It was several meters wide and appeared to be solid as it stretched forward into the night sky. Above them, and around the point of the light, a strange cloud appeared to be forming. As the light “pulsed” the cloud appeared to grow.
Just as sudden as it began, the light shut off. Before the five witnesses could get their bearings, however, the light appeared again, only this time coming down from above and hitting the grounds of the base. It was at this point that the witnesses saw for the first time five strange objects above the base. Four of these were in a “diamond formation”, while behind them was a cylinder object.
The first four objects moved into north-east-south-west positions, while the cylinder-shaped object positioned itself in the middle of them. Then an intense solid light, this time blue, hit the ground from the objects above. The strange cloud formations also appeared high up the beam.
This continued for several minutes before the lights shut down and the five apparently alien crafts slowly rose upwards before vanishing in a flash.
Although none of the witnesses knew what they had just seen, all agreed that the rumors of established contact with an extra-terrestrial race were apparently true.
Multiple Projects
More recently the Pine Gap facility came under scrutiny for links to US drones. [3] In particular those responsible for the deaths of Pakistani civilians. According to a lawyer in Pakistan in July 2013, the intelligence that drives these drones originates from Pine Gap.
These links and the activities of Pine Gap were perhaps looked upon with even more suspicion following the apparent revelations of Edward Snowden. According to Snowden, Pine Gap was one of the key bases where such agencies as the NSA monitor citizens’ communications from. Officially, Pine Gap is a tracking station for the many satellites in orbit around the Earth. It appears that all of the US spy satellites are indeed controlled from Pine Gap.
Furthermore, there are around a thousand employees at the Pine Gap facility, most of whom reside in nearby Alice Springs. Most of these employees are either US or Australian intelligence workers. However, according to those who have reported and researched the town, any American you come across will likely tell you they are a “gardener” or hold another low-key job. This, these researchers say, is almost certainly an indication that they really work at Pine Gap.
This apparent secrecy and clandestine nature around Pine Gap and those who work there also opens the door to more outlandish claims. In his book, ‘Underground Bases and Tunnels’, Richard Sauder would write about claims of the base operating in alternate dimensions. Pine Gap is also mentioned in connections with the secret “time-travel missions to Mars” as a launch point. As crazy as those suggestions might be, might they at least begin to explain the bizarre blue and gold lights witnessed in the aforementioned accounts?
Now how can we tie the vaccines in with the Military?
Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus … #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
By The Exposé on April 30, 2023
Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 vaccine injection, is responsible for creating it in a BioLab and patenting it in 2013 #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.
Don’t believe us?
Then read the exhaustive evidence below and check for yourself.
By a concerned reader who is a qualified cell biologist
STEP 0: The genome, the complete genetic code of Covid19 is found here – The genome of Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 is found here –
One can compare these two genomes, letter by letter using the BLAST Genome alignment comparison tool at
Just put NC_045512.2 in the Query Sequence Box and MN996532 in the Subject Sequence Box. Then choose the radio button:: More dissimilar sequences (discontinguous megablast). Then hit BLAST. Then when the results appear (a few second later) choose the Alignments tab and you will see both genomes compared perfectly.
The American case will serve to raise awareness of how much skulduggery has been deployed by governments against their own people.
Few people realise that the ‘vaccines’ were developed and coordinated by the military, through pseudo-legal mechanisms that enabled them to evade normal regularity processes designed to protect populations from potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products, to which private commercial companies are subject.
The US case is a civil lawsuit for damages against the Department of Defense (DoD), which is the de facto developer and distributor of Covid vaccines, and names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III as defendant.
This case is important because for the first time it targets the Department of Defense at the top of the pyramid of malfeasance.
Please see Sasha Latypova’s testimony and her discussion with bioweapons expert Dr Meryl Nass.
Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021"
The Defense Production Act has played a role in the U.S. government’s response to COVID-19 (from about November 1st 2019 US virus release date ) pandemic.
President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.
President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.
This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed after giving himself sole responsibility to do that under the Defense Production Act and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.
What has this vaccines drive got to do with Fremantle's new Nuclear Submarines providing Nuclear protection for Pine Gap, no idea
With 97% of all Aussies now vaccinated, so we are told, if the vaccinated can be controlled by their MAC address, could they be used to provide more defenses to Pine Gap and Fremantle, if the expectations of the US Army and Navy and AUKUS required it, or maintain and crew those submarines, as MAC address controlled robots?
Suggestions anyone?