Brief History of Vaccine Disasters Note: This list is incomplete.
I cut this out from an article about Covid vaccines and I also reduced it in content to make it more readable
Brief History of Vaccine Disasters Note: This list is incomplete.
In 1798, the smallpox vaccine hit the market. Once it hit the market, it was observed to frequently cause smallpox outbreaks (rather than prevent them) and to cause a wide range of debilitating and complex injuries that many of the doctors had never seen before (and many of which I believe were examples of “blood stasis”). Curiously, rather than recognizing this was a mistake, most of the medical profession endorsed the smallpox vaccine, and governments around the world mandated it as cases kept on increasing (caused by the vaccine). Having looked at it extensively, I am of the opinion the smallpox vaccine reshaped the trajectory of humanity’s health and ushered in the era of chronic illness.
In the 1800s and early 1900s, a variety of early vaccines (e.g., rabies, typhoid, diphtheria, tuberculosis) and horse-generated antiserums (for most of the common infections at the time) entered the market. Since many of these vaccines were produced in small independent labs, there were a variety of quality control issues with these products, which frequently led to hot lots severely injuring or killing a group of people. Additionally, many of those vaccines had a high degree of toxicity. Because of this, a variety of new and severe medical conditions emerged, many of which were deemed to be due to brain inflammation (encephalitis) or brain damage (encephalopathy) and observed to occur in conjunction with cranial nerve damage. Most of these conditions in turn mirrored the myriad injuries we now too see from modern vaccinations.
Note: many of these forgotten cases can be found in this book which I am presently synopsizing into an article. The key point is that many doctors at the time could tell the vaccines were causing brain injuries and were willing report that throughout the medical literature.
In the 1940s-1950s, the original pertussis vaccine (DPT) entered the market. This vaccine excelled at causing brain inflammation and a variety of concerning differences were seen in the generations born after its mass adoption in America.
Note: The rabies vaccine also excelled at causing encephalitis (around 1 in 750 injections, of which 20% were fatal), but it did not have as large an impact on society because far fewer people received it.
Between the 1950s to 1970s, numerous instances happened where a rushed and poorly produced experimental vaccine (e.g., polio or the swine flu) was brought to market to address a non-existent “emergency,” and the government chose to ignore warnings from its scientists that it was not safe to give to America. Since the press was honest at this time, they reported the disaster, it became a national scandal and the government provided compensation to the victims.
In 1986, enough public awareness existed of the dangers of the DPT vaccine that lawsuits were regularly being filed for the brain damage and sudden infant deaths it caused (discussed here). This in turn led to the 1986 vaccine injury act being passed (discussed further here), an act that both shielded vaccine manufacturers from product liability and was intended to help parents of vaccine injured children (even though it didn’t). This act being passed led to an industry gold rush to bring experimental and liability free vaccines to the market, and before long the childhood vaccination schedule ballooned in parallel to chronic illnesses increasing as well.
In 1990, an experimental anthrax vaccine was deployed upon the military to prepare them for invading Iraq. While the war was non-eventful (Saddam did not use anthrax and it was likely the most one-sided conflict in history), the anthrax vaccine severely injured over 100,000 servicemen (leading to what was known as Gulf War Syndrome). Despite these issues, individuals within the Department of Defense who were committed to funding their bioweapons defense program mandated it—leading to severe injuries throughout the military and widespread rebellion against this edict.
In 2010, Merck convinced America’s women they were at a high risk of dying from cervical cancer (which in reality only kills about 1/38,000 American women each year) so that everyone would buy their highly lucrative vaccine (which was never proven to reduce cervical cancer deaths). This vaccine had an extraordinarily high rate of causing autoimmune disorders, but nonetheless, despite a deluge of complaints, the CDC and FDA did everything they could to protect it, and to this day it is still mandated for children.
In 2021, the COVID vaccine hit the market. In my opinion, everything we witnessed with it mirrors what happened in each of the previously listed tragedies.
I mentioned this history because at the time each of these happened, the medical profession and public were struck by the explosion of these new diseases (and their immense social cost) but before long, became acclimated to them and forgot they had ever emerged in the first place. This in turn, I would argue is exactly what is now happening from the COVID-19 vaccines.
The Harms of Vaccination
There is a large body of evidence suggesting vaccines are either solely responsible for, or one of the primary things responsible for the tsunami of chronic illness which has followed their ever-increasing adoption.
Unfortunately, while there is a great deal of evidence suggesting a problem exists, the effects of the vaccine schedule have never been formally studied in a clinical trial, nor will agencies like the CDC (which insist vaccines are safe and effective) make their data sets available which could answer the question. This in turn suggests that either:
•No evidence exists of the harms of vaccination and it has simply not been a priority to formally publish that data (which is odd given how much effort blocking all the lawsuits requesting them to takes).
•There is some evidence vaccines are harmful, and there are concerns this data could be misinterpreted to suggest vaccines are much more harmful than they are.
•The existing evidence shows (or would show) that vaccines are incredibly dangerous.
I personally believe the final point is the most likely explanation as:
1. Numerous clinical trials of individual vaccines (e.g., the HPV vaccine) show that vaccines cause many of the same disorders (e.g., a myriad of autoimmune conditions) that have increased in parallel to the number of doses of the vaccine one receives (e.g., the second shot is almost always more likely to cause a severe reaction than the first). This in turn suggests that taking a large number of vaccines (presently the ever increasing CDC schedule gives children 90 before they turn 18) puts them at risk for developing chronic disease.
Note: there are numerous cases reports of children becoming permanently disabled after receiving a higher than normal number of vaccines simultaneously (e.g., at a visit where they also get caught up on missing doses), and conversely, many have observed spacing vaccines out rather than giving them all together lowers the likelihood of a severe reactions (e.g., autism) from vaccination.
2. Despite relentless attempts to keep them from emerging, there are numerous retrospective studies of large medical datasets which each show vaccination results in a significantly increased incidence of chronic disease (e.g., a recent study of 99 million people showed the COVID vaccines were 2-7 times more likely than a typical vaccine to cause a variety of life-threatening illnesses).
3. Established mechanisms exist to explain how many different vaccines could all cause similar injuries to their recipients (each of which are discussed here).
4. Numerous independently conducted studies attempting to assess this question have all found childhood vaccination increases the rates of chronic illness.
5. I periodically learn of medical practices that have low rates of vaccination and also have much lower rates of chronic illness in their patients.
6. Many colleagues and I frequently observe what we believe to be the harms of vaccination in our patients.
Note: I personally know many trained observers who can have a high degree of accuracy in identifying unvaccinated children. The approaches they use are discussed at the end of this article.
Vaccine Injury Datasets
There is effectively an embargo on publishing any research critical of vaccinations (e.g., no one will give you permission to conduct a trial where some don’t vaccinate because “denying children life-saving vaccines is unethical,” no one will give you data that already exists, and no one will ever publish a study that is critical of vaccination). Nonetheless, people find ways to get around this embargo.
To illustrate, a study was recently conducted in which unvaccinated women were placed in the proximity of COVID vaccinated individuals, which demonstrated that COVID vaccine shedding (discussed further here) was real as those women developed menstrual abnormalities. The group that conducted that study has been trying for months to get the study published in a peer-reviewed journal, but it is unclear if the embargo will ever be lifted for them.
A Midwestern Doctor
They are STILL pushing that HPV vaccine on 12 year olds. Shame on parents for not doing the research.