Based on spectral results portraying D, G, and 2D peaks, I can affirm the presence of graphene oxide particles in this anaesthetic with high confidence.
Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetic Articaine
Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anaesthetic Articaine
Further confirmation of graphene in dental anaesthetics.
The analysis was conducted at the University of Boulder, Colorado, confirming the presence of graphene in Articaine.
Many of you will know the most widely used anaesthetic is Lidocaine.
Articaine is a type of dental amide local anaesthetic. It is extensively used in various European countries and is widely accessible worldwide.
To quote the researcher Jessica C. Hankins
■ Based on spectral results portraying D, G, and 2D peaks, I can affirm the presence of graphene oxide particles in this anaesthetic with high confidence.
– Although I have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide in this anaesthetic, the concentration or amount of graphene oxide particles in the anaesthetic is unclear.
■ Spectrum acquired from the dried-liquid anaesthetic produced inconclusive results, indicating a need for further testing for determination of lipid nanoparticles or hydrogels in the solution
This is of huge concern.
IMO, this means the C19 unvaccinated are being injected with the very same biotech as those who agreed to the so-called 'mRNA vaccines'.
Proving graphene as an ingredient in the jabs has been possible due to its distinct makeup and the groundbreaking work of Dr Campra who led the way for everyone else.
Proving the existence of the highly advanced hydrogels, as seen in the C19 jabs, is harder.
Since multiple sources have confirmed graphene in several brands of dental anaesthetics it is logical to suspect the accompanying hydrogels that complete the biotech are likely to be present too.
It is the combination of the graphene and the hydrogels that make up the bioweapon - a technology designed to make us sensitive to certain frequencies.
This is a ghastly move, on an unprecedented scale worse than any previous experiment on the public, to try and connect non-consenting humans to the internet, and in turn AI.
If this seems is hard to believe, please see the government paper here on what they call Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm
The intentions and reasons are laid out for all to see.
This biotech is designed to make us more susceptible to man-made frequencies taking us to a new level of transhumanism.
To be blunt, to make us 'remote control' where our emotions can be controlled, making us either angry, docile, agitated or stressed.
More worrying these frequencies will be used to trick us into believing we have been infected with a pathogen, suffering from the symptoms, encouraging us in our media-induced panic to roll our sleeves up for the next cure-all-jab.
This is why there have been so many NOTB articles on the effects of frequencies.
Frequencies from Solar flares
Depopulating Wifi frequencies with Dr Klinghardt
Pandemic inducing frequencies
Influenza-inducing frequency events
Bone breaking frequencies
Positive healing frequencies with Red Light therapyEventually, we will all need a dental anaesthetic.
What about B12 injections?
What about saline drips?
What about insulin?
What about general anaesthetics?
We don't yet know, they might be safe...
Meanwhile, we do know graphene is in ten out of thirteen dental anaesthetics tested.
With the new proof concerning the articaine anaesthetic, how do we move forwards?
Not On The Beeb
Me: I don't have any teeth, I had them all out before the Covid Pandemic and quite by chance, now I have falsies which make me look like a hunting shark when I smile, but I can only eat soft foods now - but no more dentists, not ever, so win/win!!
Continuous poisoning via the medical system