At the ‘Summit of the Future’ next week, the UN is aiming to have a global digital pact adopted. The pact aims to promote digitisation and extensively use digital devices and programs
Me: In other words the country in which we live is farming us in the same way that we farm crops, the intention to use us as a commodity which in turn can be used to attract investors
Summit of the Future: A pact to enforce increased digital surveillance of the public
By Rhoda Wilson on September 19, 2024
At the ‘Summit of the Future’ next week, the UN is aiming to have a global digital pact adopted. The pact aims to promote digitisation and extensively use digital devices and programs. However, there has been a lack of public and parliamentary involvement in the negotiations of this pact. The text appears to be written by large IT corporations.
While it may suit IT corporations, there is no protection in this pact for citizens’ right to opt out of their digital solutions even though there is an obvious aim of increasing the digital surveillance of the public’s every move and comment made.
In Two Weeks, Our Government Wants To Agree To A Global Pact For Digital Coercion
By Norbert Häring, 7 September 2024
Note from The Exposé: So the article is more legible, we have edited the direct translation of Häring’s article from German into English with the help of a version of his article, which is also in German, HERE.
On the 22 and 23 September, the UN ‘Summit of the Future’ prepared by the German and Namibian governments will take place in New York. A global digital pact [called the ‘Global Digital Compact’] is to be adopted, which has already been negotiated with almost complete exclusion from the public and – as far as I know – of the parliaments. If you push aside the fluffy language with which the Global Digital Compact is packed, you can see an agreement to force all people into a world controlled by digital corporations.
When I write about public exclusion, I don’t mean secrecy. The negotiations at the summit take place behind closed doors. But the Global Digital Compact in the 2nd revision and the 3rd revision versions has been released on the UN’s Summit of the Future webpage. But neither the UN nor those within the German government involved in the preparation of the summit have made serious efforts to inform the public about the plan, or even to have it discussed in parliaments and the media. It has also not been made public which corporations, foundations and hand-picked representatives of so-called civil society can sit at the negotiating table. The World Economic Forum is pretty sure to be there, the Club of Rome, as reported, probably as well.
In the text of the treaty, we learn by way of the introduction, that digital technologies “offer immense potential benefits for human welfare and the progress of societies,“ and that we, therefore, have to eliminate any digital divide between countries and within countries. The declared goal is “a digital future for everyone.“
What is important is what is not in the contract. The word voluntary only occurs in connection with the signing of the contract. However, there is no right for citizens to choose a future other than the fully digitised one for themselves. Because that would open up a digital divide that should no longer exist. There is no right to regulate many of his/her affairs in a traditional way in dealing with other people instead of computers. Nobody should be allowed to choose that their children are taught by teachers instead of computers, or that conversations with the doctor and treatments remain a secret instead of being packed on the servers of the IT groups. Nothing in the contract suggests that such a right has been considered at all.
Risks are acknowledged but without the text being specific. They are to be “mitigated.” Human supervision of new technologies is also to be ensured. International cooperation must be agile and adapt to the rapidly changing technology landscape. Then there is a lot of blah blah with nice adjectives like sustainable, fair, open, responsible, etc. That sounds good but it has thick horses’ feet.
The development of the digital technology “landscape” is thus presented as coming from above, as something to which citizens and even governments have to adapt. Landscape is just another word for the digital corporations and what they come up with. This recognises a leadership role for the corporations. As I have already shown in an earlier article, this is a common thread of the UN future summit and the actions of the UN in the past two decades.
Read more: The world domination of corporations is to be laid down at the UN Future Summit, Norbert Häring, 28 November 2023 (German to English translation using site’s translation tool)
Under no circumstances should digitalisation risks be avoided, but only “mitigated.” “Human supervision” of the new technologies is very different from democratic control and decision-making autonomy of the users. If Elon Musk from X, Mark Zuckerberg from Meta, Sam Altman from OpenAI and the heads of Google have sovereignty over the new technologies, this requirement of the contract is fulfilled, but the interests of the citizens are anything but protected. The whole contract reads as if the IT groups and their foundations had formulated it, and that is probably not far from the truth. After all, the UN relies on corporate money, and the world’s richest and most powerful corporations are IT companies.
If at the international level, under the leadership of a UN strongly influenced by the IT companies, away from the public and parliaments, there is haggling to promote digitization and to get all people – whether they like it or not – to extensively use digital devices and programs, it is no longer surprising why our federal government is so committed to putting citizens under digital compulsion. Be it by abolishing the possibility of paying in cash, be it through the state-owned company Deutsche Bahn or the semi-state DHL or the arbitrary linking of state benefits such as Deutschlandticket, cultural vouchers for 18-year-olds and energy payments for students using a smartphone. This is how our government gets hardworking cards in the international evaluation of progress in digitisation.
The fact that citizens are thus subjected to increasingly intensive digital surveillance of their every move and comment made is an additional bonus for our surveillance-hungry rulers, one increasingly has the impression.
Do not accept this in silence! Let your Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) know that you expect them to defend your citizens’ right to a self-determined life with protected privacy. Ask them why the Digital Pact does not mention an individual right to refrain from digitisation and ask them what they think of it. Ask if you are following the maxim that everything that is good for IT groups is also good for Germany. Check whether you want to choose parties that place the interests of the IT industry above those of the citizens. According to my assessment, which is repeatedly presented with examples on this [Häring’s] blog, the digital compulsory parties are first and foremost the FDP, closely followed by the Greens and with little distance the CDU and SPD.
Supplementary note (8.9): I have added the link to the 3rd revision of the draft pact of July 11 in the 1st paragraph after the opening credits, which was published in mid-August.
P.S. If you are looking for information about which German participants, or in general which participants are allowed to attend this non-democratic event, you will find that even the Bilderberg Group is a model of transparency towards this forum.
Further reading: The Club of Rome wants a UN world government that implements its goals by law,
About the Author
Norbert Häring is a German economist and business journalist. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Saarbrücken in Germany. He has been working for the German Wirtschaftsblatt Handelsblatt since 2002 and reports on finance and the economy. Häring is also the founder and director of the World Economics Association and co-editor of the World Economic Review. Together with Olaf Storbeck, Häring is the author of the book ‘Economy 2.0’.
The Expose
Me: In other words the country in which we live is farming us in the same way that we farm crops, the intention to use us as a commodity which in turn can be used to attract investors, who in turn will use us for the advancement of the sciences to which they pertain, for the ultimate benefit of those who control everything and everyone - the Elite of all societies overall, but the chosen few, who have control of our world and us in it:
Take Australia and New Zealand for example. The vials of Covid vaccines were up to 145 times greater than was acceptable by Law. This generates a huge number of "vaccinated" who will develop severe diseases, after vaccinations, which in turn will attract investors of bio labs (which are being built now, like mushrooms, throughout Australia and New Zealand), who can farm the sick Trans Humans, to find ways to cure the inflicted diseases by covid vaccinations and advance medicine by vaccination, with Trans Human subjects for bio lab experimentation - increasing the market value of Australia, its ex Human population, now prepped for commercial profit, in Australia and New Zealand and those Elite in control of this vast potential market and enterprise and since the Humans, after Covid vaccination had their Human Genome and DNA changed by the ModRNA vaccines, which they actually were, they are now a new species with zero Human Rights and they are prime examples for genetic modification and experimentation and the money earned, by result, going to those who fund the bio labs - and control all who live under their thrall by digitization and total control of their thoughts, by digital modifications to suit. "Orwell's 1984 in 2025".
Oracle’s Larry Ellison gleefully says AI will usher in a surveillance state
By Rhoda Wilson on September 19, 2024
Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle and Chairman of the Board and Chief Technology Officer, envisions a future where artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems monitor citizens extensively through a network of cameras and drones.
Ellison shared his vision during the ‘Oracle Financial Analyst Meeting 2024’ in an investor Q&A session, highlighting the potential benefits of AI-driven supervision.
He said AI will usher in a new era of surveillance that he gleefully said will ensure “citizens will be on their best behaviour because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.”
This widespread surveillance will infringe on personal freedoms, creating a surveillance state. But it’s not only citizens he wants AI to oversee. He also envisions that AI will monitor law enforcement. “We’re going to have supervision. Every police officer’s going to be supervised at all times,” he said.
Ellison’s vision highlights a growing trend among tech companies to use AI for societal influence, which could reshape public life in the coming years.
This above, made possible by:
Australia DNA Contamination in mRNA Covid Shots up to 145 Times Regulatory Limit, First Independent Australian Study Shows
By Rebekah Barnett
Synthetic plasmid DNA contamination has been detected in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines at levels of between seven and 145 times the allowable limit, a new study shows.
The independent study of three modified RNA (mod-RNA) vaccine vials, including lots for children and adults, was commissioned to provide evidence in a Federal Court lawsuit over the validity of the regulatory status of the vaccines.
The case, brought by legal firm P.J. O’Brien & Associates, alleges that the vaccines contain unlicensed genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the form of synthetic DNA contamination and mod-RNA-LNP complexes which could pose an untested safety risk, including the potential for DNA integration into the human genome.
Because the US Supreme Court in 2013 ruled that when vaccinations change the Human Genome and DNA those subjects are no longer Human, but a new species Trans Human with zero Rights. The ModRNA DNA vaccines change the Human Genome and 6 hours from injection.
The US Supreme Court ruled 2013, that mRNA is natural and cannot be patented. Only something new to nature, which never existed naturally before can be patented and all covid vaccines are patented, meaning that the synthetic, made in a laboratory ModRNA vaccines are not natural and meet the criteria above - to change Humanity to order into Trans Humans, which they now are, for the Military who are behind this deliberate Human modification to Trans Humans by AUKUS, WHO, WEF and Trump.
The beauty of the system is that no Human Laws have been broken. All those who were vaccinated volunteered to be and are now Trans Humans. Those who refused vaccines remain Human with all of their Human Rights in place, for as long as they refuse to be vaccinated, presumably.
Most have no clue of this narrative because they are so sucked down this convenience philosophy. It has been flushed through society for two decades plus. The generation born 2005 onward it is all they know. Unless folks take a deep dive into the digital philosophy it will be just accepted. Game set but not yet match but it is on the fast track to match. there is no innovation left now. Most of the world is organized. The human is disorganized to certain interest. The key to see this is to view yourself from the perspective of a commodity no different than pork bellies. That is a concept most humans will not be able to conceive so they will be destine to be that commodity.
I think that before these elite make a move they first hack into substack to check on the resistance.
We have the power of the boycott.
Just pick a TARGET... Boycott!
This is our final chance to love them back just as much as they loved us. So before you buy ... Ask yourself WHY...