Now we have bird flu, West Nile virus, Oropouche virus and, of course seasonal flu is looming.
We had barely emerged from the Covid-19 scam and its bewildering array of scariants, then monkeypox trotted along threatening to wipe us out.
By Roger Watson
We are being assaulted by such a plethora of viruses these days that it is a wonder any of us are still alive.
We had barely emerged from the Covid-19 scam and its bewildering array of scariants, then monkeypox trotted along threatening to wipe us out. Now we have bird flu, West Nile virus, Oropouche virus and, of course seasonal flu is looming.
My NHS GP surgery is clearly getting vexed with me. I have refused to respond to text messages asking me to go for my Covid-19 booster, so they have started emailing me. I expect a phone call any day now at which point they will politely but firmly be informed that I will be taking my chances, dicing with death and refusing any further invasions into my body.
In the case of flu vaccines, they are something I probably do not need and, in the case of Covid-19 vaccines, something I certainly do not need because they do not work. Even if they did, my chances of being run over on the way to the surgery are probably greater than succumbing to Covid-19. That is without even considering the potential risk of death or severe disability from taking an mRNA based Covid-19 vaccine. One son and one friend with a stroke and a friend nearly losing the sight in one eye, all at the risk of a few days in bed with the sniffles, is enough to convince me they are not safe.
In the case of monkeypox the WHO is advising wealthy countries with stockpiles of the vaccine to give them to poorer countries on the basis that they “could help fight the outbreak”. They don’t sound terribly sure. In any case, don’t the poor blighters in the Congo, where monkeypox is reported to be most prevalent, have enough problems? The newest vaccines have not yet been fully tested (mind you, that didn’t stop the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines) and all roads seem to be leading to the development of an mRNA based monkeypox vaccine. We all know how successful that was in the case of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.
Then bird flu (it’s so hard to keep up) is infecting cows but mainly leaving ferrets untouched, which is good to know. Bird flu has proved fatal for only 0.00000579% of the population of the world since the start of 2023 yet the perpetually petrified pearl-clutchers in the public health establishment are urging more widespread testing. This is absolutely the worst thing that we should be doing.
If we have a confirmatory test and someone’s life is in danger, then there may be a case for conducting a test; provided we have a cure. But this is not what the public health fascists mean; they are referring to testing healthy people (and animals, principally cattle) to see if they test positive (which is by no means the same thing as being infected). If only we could be certain that it would stop there; we have the Covid-19 years as a reference point.
With such testing it is always a case of “seek and ye shall find”. No tests are perfect and, as demonstrated during Covid-19, they are prone to generating false positive results. It won’t take many of those before we are hearing calls for lockdowns, facemasks and vaccine rollouts for humans, and the widespread and unnecessary slaughter of healthy cattle. Many in the UK can recall the smoke rising from massive bovine funeral pyres in the early 1990s over the foot and mouth panic. It does not take much.
The problem with (hyper)vigilance over existential threats is that almost everything becomes an existential threat. Thus, the non-stop (bad) news about climate change, processed foods, alcohol, smoking and all manner of things including, of course, novel and dangerous viruses. In the case of viruses, the other problem is that if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every threat looks like a nail. And if you stockpile hammers, then the pressure to go out and use them is irresistible. Witness the unseemly pressure on the population of the world to take the Covid-19 vaccines for an infection that was mild in most people. The vaccine was ineffective, and the pressure persists even after the harms are demonstrable.
There’s no doubt that some viruses can be nasty and life-threatening. But remarkably few are. Moreover, the chances of a healthy, well-nourished person in a developed country with good housing and sanitation succumbing to a viral infection are remarkably small.
Let the scientists continue to study viruses by all means as some of them can even be useful. But for goodness’ sake, let’s dial down the hysteria. The public don’t need to know every time some alleged new viral threat arises. It is surely time to stop news about viruses going viral.
Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.
The New Conservative
Me: UPDATED: 24 September 2024 My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and MPox (virus) and any other virus.
Refuse all vaccines.
Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure. It's as yukky for me to do, as it is for you to do, but practice makes it easier with time - when the only option is potentially death by vaccines injections.
It is that simple.
3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.
Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure
MMS is very good for mosquito born vectors and drink lots of coconut water.